Herstory of the women`s house Ve Smeckach 26 in Prague

18. únor 2001
The House located in Ve Smečkách 26/594, Prague 1 is not just one of the houses nearby the Wenceslav square. The House was built in 1931 by the Building Cooperative of the Ženský klub český (Czech Women`s Club) based on an agreement of March 16, 1928. The project adjusted to needs of the women`s community life was designed free of charge by the Club`s member, a first Czech woman architect Milada Petříková-Pavlíková. The construction was financed from a collections raised among Czech women and a loan at the Úrazová pojišťovna (Accident Insurance Company) which was later repaid from the activities of the Czech Women`s Club. After 1989 Czech women`s organisations have been fighting for getting the house back from the state. Více

S křidélky se dá i létat

14. únor 2001
o reklamním průmyslu... Více

Ženy mají v zaměstnání výhody

14. únor 2001
komentář k článku v MFDnes 18. 9. 1997 Více
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www.feminismus.cz (2003)  |  redesign 2013  |  realizace a webhosting Econnect  |  design Michal Šiml  |  Za finanční podpory Slovak-Czech Women‘s Fund.